SSASSCAL ObservationNet
 HomeNumees InfosheetNumees Climate
Data availibilty
The list below shows which other data is available for this observatory.
 Numees (S20)  Climate 
Nearest weather station Numees 
Distance to weather station 2.63 km
Data availability 6 Mar 2015 - 4 Nov 2020

Air Temperature - Precipitation diagrams

Numees - 2015

Please wait until the diagram has been generated!
49.0 mm
Precipitation total

Numees - 2016

Please wait until the diagram has been generated!
12.4 mm
Precipitation total

Numees - 2017

Please wait until the diagram has been generated!
18.0 mm
Precipitation total

Numees - 2018

Please wait until the diagram has been generated!
37.2 mm
Precipitation total

Numees - 2019

Please wait until the diagram has been generated!
7.4 mm
Precipitation total

Numees - 2020

Please wait until the diagram has been generated!
78.8 mm
Precipitation total

Humidity diagrams

Solar irridance diagrams