SSASSCAL ObservationNet
 Home Soebatsfontein Infosheet
 Soebatsfontein (S22) - Observatory Info sheet 
General Data
Number Name Alternative Name
S22 Soebatsfontein Quaggasfontein
Implementation Country Province/ Region
2001 South Africa Northern Cape
District/ constituency Locality Farm Name
Namakwa Soebatsfontein Soebatsfontein Commonage
Latitude Longitude Altitude
-30.186502 S 17.543373 E 392 m a.s.l.
Rainfall Season Biome WWF Ecoregion
Winter Succulent Karoo AT1322
Succulent Karoo
Agro-Ecological Zone Relative intensity of land use Tenure
n.a. Medium Communal
Type and history of landuse Land owner Google Earth
Farming with sheep and goats Kamiesberg Municipality  Google Earth
Key study objective
