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Cameia National Park
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 Cameia National Park (S76) - Amphibians / Reptiles
Herpetology work - brief description
The Tundavala observatory is located on a key region of the angolan biogeographic puzzle, with several plant and bird endemisms, where amphibians and reptiles are poorly studied. Herpetofauna in Tundavala is being monitored since April 2016. Monitoring seasons happen three times a year, in the beggining, peak, and end of the rainy season, and consists of using traplines with pitfalls and funneltraps, as well as visual encounter surveys. A summary of species is presented, a number of wich are importante re-discoveries for the Angolan herpetology (see SASSCAL book for more information). Some species have been intentionally omitted from the Tundavala species list, and will be made available on this platform after being published (work in prep.).
In Bicuar National Park, the species list results from a number of non-standardized sampling seasons and opportunistic records inside the Park and in farms located along the park boundaries.
In Cameia National Park, Candelela and Cusseque observatories, the records of herpetofauna are opportunistic.
Note: The information regarding Angolan herpetofauna refers to ongoing research, and awaits formal publication.
Family Species   Common name  
 Species seen at this observatory      Species seen at another observatory
A = Species observed within the observatory  B = Species observed in the surroundings of the observatory
Hyperoliidae Hyperolius cf. nasutus Long-nosed Reed Frog A
Hyperoliidae Hyperolius cf. parallelus Günther, 1858 Angolan Reed Frog B
Phrynobatrachidae Phrynobatrachus cf. natalensis (Smith, 1849) Snoring Puddle Frog A
Ptychadenidae Ptychadena cf. anchietae (Bocage, 1868) Anchieta's Grass Frog B
Ptychadenidae Ptychadena oxyrhynchus (Smith, 1849) Sharp-snouted Ridged Frog B
Bufonidae Sclerophrys cf. pusilla (Mertens, 1937) Flat-backed Toad B
Bufonidae Sclerophrys sp. Toad B
Pyxicephalidae Tomopterna cf. tuberculosa (Boulenger, 1882) Rough Sand Frog A
Colubridae Crotaphopeltis cf. hotamboeia (Laurenti, 1768) White-lipped Herald Snake B
Lacertidae Ichnotropis cf. bivittata (Bocage, 1866) Rough-scaled lizard B
Colubridae Natriciteres olivacea (Peters, 1854) Olive Marsh Snake B