Data availibilty
Welwitschia Vlakte
The list below shows which other data is available for this observatory.
Other observatories
The list below shows for which other observatories the following datatype is available:
(List in North-South Direction)
 Welwitschia Vlakte (A09)
Infosheet |
Nearest weather station |
Marble Koppie  |
Distance to weather station |
35.02 km |
Data availability |
7 Aug 2014 - 7 Sep 2020 |
Air Temperature - Precipitation diagrams
Marble Koppie - 2014

6.4 mm
Precipitation total
Marble Koppie - 2015

29.2 mm
Precipitation total
Marble Koppie - 2016

13.6 mm
Precipitation total
Marble Koppie - 2017

13.2 mm
Precipitation total
Marble Koppie - 2018

36.3 mm
Precipitation total
Marble Koppie - 2019

3.4 mm
Precipitation total
Marble Koppie - 2020

5.8 mm
Precipitation total
Humidity diagrams
Solar irridance diagrams